
“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.”

John Dewey


Our teacher gave us a list of concepts for search them at the University's library. I will share with you some of them and here you will have the list if you want to know which concepts are important for that you seek for their meanings.


           Library Visit

Language acquisition theories

Define the following concepts and provide examples:

  • ·         First Language, Second Language and Foreign Language (Provide three definitions from different authors and sources)
  • ·         Teaching and Learning processes approaches-based (Grammar Translation, Audiolingual, Communicative, Task-based, Suggestopedia, Total Physical Response, Community-Language Learning, among others).
  • ·         Input and interaction
  • ·         Internal and external factors affecting Second and Foreign Language Learning
  • ·         Monolingualism, bilingualism and multilingualism.
  • ·         Degrees and Levels of bilingualism
  • ·         References (Apa Style) 

First language: Mother tongue, home language, community language. Is a language that one learn first; one identifies with or is identified as a native speaker by others; one knows best, and or one uses most.

Ref: UNESCO 2003, education in multilingual world, pg. 15.

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